Bharti - A daughter of INDIA for Girl Child Empowernment

A happy girl is the future of our country.

Girl child is the future of every nation and India is no exception. The status of the girl child is the key to achieving women's equality and dignity which is, in many ways, a litmus test of the maturity of a society. Girls are to be the future policy makers, leaders, scientists and nation builders. If family is the smallest unit of society, girl or mothers are the powerhouse of that unit, a strong and empowered mother propels the family and hence the society towards growth and stability. Jawaharlal Nehru once said "to awake the people it is the women who should be awakened first. Once she is on the move the family moves…the nation moves".

If the society has to grow in to a civilized social fabric, enlightened mass has the responsibility to shoulder and share the responsibility of maintaining the balance in society. Utthaan pledges its efforts towards the same, Bharati is our effort in this direction. Through our Bharati project, Utthaan engage people in creating awareness on the issue. We carry out discussions, seminars, and awareness exercises in urban and rural areas. We also mobilize women and children and organize group discussions. Our idea is to create a society, which strive for equality in all spheres of social and national activities and takes action, where any discrimination of gender bias is entrenched.

Our motto is “Strong girl-Strong world”.

You are welcome to join as volunteers.