Anahat for Holistic Interventions

Your Yogic Temple

Anahat is a sanskrit word meaning “unstruck”. In yogic traditions, it is the heart chakra, which is the fourth primary chakra, as also described in Shakta and Buddhist Tantric traditions. In Sanskrit, anahata translates in to "unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten".

Anahat is the project of Utthaan where we disperse and exchange the ancient yogic wisdom for a healthy, fulfilled and stress-free life. We firmly believe that with discipline of sadhak and deliverance of knowledge, man can live such life, howsoever changing and taxing times can be.

With Anahat program, you are completely involved in thought, in mind, in the mental process, in sentiments, emotions—in short, involved in all the variations of all the physical as well as the psychological factors which makes a person. We endeavor to take individuals forward towards their goal, of achievement of a holistic lifestyle.

Our program elaborates on the philosophy and technique of Yoga those particular practices which are easy to understand and practice. Many of these practices like Asana, Pranayama etc. are of a purely physical nature and when combined with higher and essential teachings of Yoga it enhances their systems to a greater physical culture on a par with other systems of a similar nature. This program has done wonders for sadhaks, with us, and helped them attain a healthier physical life.